Friday, October 8, 2010

Macey's Nursery!

We finished Macey's nursery a couple of weeks ago! I was so relieved to have it finished and ready for her!
I'm really happy with how it turned out. I wanted super girly, but I didn't want tacky or clutter.

 Here is her little side table that her daddy made!
 I wanted to paint a canvas for her room, but I am NOT creative. So a girlfriend helped me get started and I finished it. I'm proud of myself for my first painting :)
 I just love this little towel hook we got at Hobby Lobby! It is one of my favorite things in her room!
 Here is her crib with her name above it! We got the letters from HL and Christian painted them black. We were going to hang them up with ribbon, but decided this was easier! You can see in the left corner our packed bags for the hospital!!!
 Another view of the crib!
The changing table and mirror. I'm hoping she will want to use these two pieces for a while!!!

I'm still looking for a cute bow holder for her room! I'm hoping I'll find one at some of the fall craftshows that are coming up! I also have a little rocker that my grandmother is going to refinish for me that my sister and I both used!

I can't wait to bring my sweet girl home and  show Macey her nursery! I go in there and just look around and imagine her little self laying in her crib or I go through all her clothes and can't wait to dress her up!

Pregnancy Update:
I went to the doctor yesterday and I am 1cm! I understand I can stay there for weeks, but I'm still excited to make some progress from Monday. My belly looks like it dropped overnight. I got up this morning and it is so low! It may not be too much longer until I get to meeet my baby! Please keep us in your prayers for a safe and healthy delivery whenever it may be!!!


Lauren said...

Oh my gosh, LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) So cute and precious and can’t wait to see the baby who will occupy the space :)

Lauren said...

Very cute! Love the bright purple :-) Girly without being overdone. And the towel rack is too adorable!

Alphabet Soup Momma said...

Love the nursery! Do did a great job on the art and I love the rack you have Macey's little robe hanging on. Too cute!

Abby said...

CUTE!! You are all ready!! Girl, you can totally make a bow holder. The ones at the specialty stores are so expensive. I totally made mine for like $15 from Hobby Lobby. Although, you might not want anything on your plate at this time since you could meet her any day now:) Good job with the nursery:)